Mental Health First Aid

Around 25 per cent of the UK population will experience a mental health problem at some point in their lives. Most are mild, tend to be short-term and are usually treated successfully with therapy and medication.
But it is still a significant problem. Mental Health First Aid teaches participants how to notice and support individuals who may be experiencing mental health issues or exhibiting the signs of substance use in a work environment. They are also taught how to connect those people with
appropriate help from fellow employees, community resources or healthcare professionals.
The course introduces the subject and outlines the benefits of Mental Health first aid and workplace wellness schemes. It then goes on to cover the effects of stress on individuals and teams and discusses how stress and mental health are linked.
It then covers the roles of employers, managers and employees in ensuring that a Mental Health First Aid programme is successful. It concludes with a series of practical examples of how to apply
mental health first aid to real situations, how to support employees who are experiencing mental health issues and where to point them for further help and advice.
Duration: 90 minutes
Pass mark: 70%
CPD and Gatehouse Awards Approved
(also meets Irish legislation)
RRP: £35 + VAT
Price: £25 + VAT
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Marshland Training Services

Marshland Training Services are the training branch of The Coote Safety Group Ltd.

The Coote Safety Group Ltd trading as Marshland Training Services. Company registered in England and Wales No: 08966541. Registered Office: Spice Farm, 124 School Road, West Walton, Norfolk, PE14 7HA
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