The alcohol licensing laws of the United Kingdom regulate the sale and consumption of alcohol.
It is important for anyone working in licensed premises to have a basic understanding of these laws and how they apply to them.
This course starts with an overview of UK alcohol licensing laws and the importance of the four key licensing objectives.
The course will also discuss mandatory conditions, which are compulsory for all licensed premises and looks in detail at the major issue of age verification.
Finally, it outlines the responsibilities involved in alcohol retailing including drinking guidelines and how to avoid and reduce conflict.
Marshland Training Services are the training branch of The Coote Safety Group Ltd.
The Coote Safety Group Ltd trading as Marshland Training Services. Company registered in England and Wales No: 08966541. Registered Office: Spice Farm, 124 School Road, West Walton, Norfolk, PE14 7HA VAT Number: GB193479268