Conflict Resolution in the Workplace 

Conflict Resolution
Unmanaged conflict is the largest reducible cost in organisations today, and the least recognised.
Our society, and therefore our workplaces, are full of individuals with very different backgrounds, beliefs, values and attitudes. With such diversity conflict, at some point, is inevitable. Conflict in workplaces is not only inevitable, it can be valuable. That is if it is handled correctly and focused on the right areas.
This course will consider what conflict is as well as its impact and role in the workplace. We will consider some of the triggers for workplace conflict and how it develops before looking at several different ways of managing it.
Duration: 45 minutes
Pass mark: 70%
CPD Approved
RRP: £35 + VAT
Price: £25 + VAT
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Marshland Training Services

Marshland Training Services are the training branch of The Coote Safety Group Ltd.

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