Infection Control 

Infection Control
Infection prevention and control measures aim to ensure the protection of those who might be vulnerable to acquiring an infection, but why is this important? Every year at least 300,000 people develop a Health Care Associated Infection. This has a huge impact on the patient, the staff and the institution it occurs in. Whereas if there is good infection prevention and control, patients will enjoy better health and more independence.
This course will start by defining infection prevention and control and explaining the impact of good and bad infection control. It then goes into detail about the legislation that applies to infection control, the different types of microorganisms, how bacteria are transmitted, the chain of infection, and much more.
Duration: 60 minutes
Pass mark: 70%
CPD Approved
RRP: £25 + VAT
Price: £25 + VAT
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Health, Social and Child Care


Marshland Training Services

Marshland Training Services are the training branch of The Coote Safety Group Ltd.

The Coote Safety Group Ltd trading as Marshland Training Services. Company registered in England and Wales No: 08966541. Registered Office: Spice Farm, 124 School Road, West Walton, Norfolk, PE14 7HA
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