Sales Skills

Sales Skills
The course will start by providing an overview of the basic rules for salespeople, along with the right mindset, self-assessment and the goals you’ll need in the short, medium and long term. It’ll cover cold calling, including how to prepare, what to say and how to deal with gatekeepers as well as walking you through a typical face-to-face meeting.
You’ll learn how to start a meeting, the questions you need to ask your prospect, practical tips for presentations including, staying relaxed, getting across your main messages, handling questions and using presentation aids.
We’ll also be analysing how you can sell by stressing the results prospects can expect if they buy, and how best to play to their emotions.
We’ll look at negotiation. We’ll highlight how you can avoid it, what to say if you’re drawn into it, and how you can use your negotiating skills to land the sale and much more.
Duration: 120 minutes
Pass mark: 70%
CPD Approved
RRP: £35 + VAT
Price: £25 + VAT
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Marshland Training Services

Marshland Training Services are the training branch of The Coote Safety Group Ltd.

The Coote Safety Group Ltd trading as Marshland Training Services. Company registered in England and Wales No: 08966541. Registered Office: Spice Farm, 124 School Road, West Walton, Norfolk, PE14 7HA
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