Prevent Duty

Prevent Duty
Intelligence indicates that further terrorist attacks in our country are ‘highly likely’. Experience tells us that the threat comes not just from foreign nationals, but from terrorists born and bred in Britain. It is therefore vital that our counter-terrorism strategy contains a plan to prevent radicalisation and stop would-be terrorists from committing mass murder.
The Prevent strategy, published by the Government is part of the overall counter-terrorism strategy.
This course starts with an overview of the Government’s Prevent strategy, and then looks at some of the reasons people become extremists. It goes on to cover the objectives of the Prevent strategy, how to base your actions on a risk-based approach, what to do if you are concerned and much more.
Duration: 65 minutes
Pass mark: 70%
CPD Approved
RRP: £35 + VAT
Price: £25 + VAT
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Marshland Training Services

Marshland Training Services are the training branch of The Coote Safety Group Ltd.

The Coote Safety Group Ltd trading as Marshland Training Services. Company registered in England and Wales No: 08966541. Registered Office: Spice Farm, 124 School Road, West Walton, Norfolk, PE14 7HA
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